This report provides a decade-long vision for the field of fusion energy and plasma science and presents a path to a promising future of new scientific discoveries, industrial applications, and, ultimately, the delivery of fusion energy. We identify critical areas for research and development and prioritize investments to maximize impact. The research community worked for more than a year to develop a wealth of creative ideas designed to accelerate fusion energy and advance plasma science. The effort culminated in the consensus Community Planning Process report. Our work is based heavily on that report, and we extend our sincere gratitude to our colleagues for their efforts. Following the research community’s lead, we worked through consensus to generate this report. Many ideas were heard and were thoughtfully deliberated until a shared view on each issue emerged. This process allowed us to discuss and appreciate our different points of view and come to consensus language. Ultimately, we speak with one voice in conveying a vision for a vibrant program that will bring significant benefit to society.
Troy Carter, chair
University of California, Los Angeles
Arianna Gleason
SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory
Rajesh Maingi
Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory
Erik Trask
TAE Technologies
Scott Baalrud
University of Iowa
Christopher Holland
University of California, San Diego
David Schaffner
Bryn Mawr College
François Waelbroeck
University of Texas, Austin
Riccardo Betti
University of Rochester
Paul Humrickhouse
Idaho National Laboratory
Oliver Schmitz
University of Wisconsin, Madison
Anne White
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Tyler Ellis
Commonwealth Fusion Systems
Charles Kessel
Oak Ridge National Laboratory
Uri Shumlak
University of Washington
Don Rej, ex officio
Los Alamos National Laboratory, retired
Cameron Geddes
Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
Tammy Ma
Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
Wayne Solomon
General Atomics